Session video

Session: Introduction – The Universal Challenge of Medication Adherence

Globally, it’s estimated that 30-50% of medicines prescribed for long-term illnesses are not taken as directed1. In this session, Professor John Weinman highlights key factors for non-adherence and how behavioral science, combined with digital tools, may help remedy this issue. Prof. Weinman emphasized the need to raise awareness of the depth of non-adherence to medicines…

Session: Acting on the unseen: How do we help patients to remain adherent when they are asymptomatic?

Treatment non-adherence in patients can be associated with lack of symptoms, interference with daily schedule, lack of understanding of disease or treatment, or fear of stigma associated with disease1.  This is especially the case with conditions like hypertension where many patients can be asymptomatic. However, medication non-adherence is not without consequences and can increase a…