For doctors

acare philippines vertigo the theory of palnned behavior

The Theory of Planned Behavior: A Patient’s Control Dilemma

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) goes beyond the purely rational, “expectancy–value” approach to examine other elements of decision-making. TPB can help practitioners predict patient behavior and address concerns that they otherwise might not express. The TPB includes both social considerations and questions of the patient’s control over their condition. How do people make difficult…

acare philippines vertigo the transtheoretical model

The Transtheoretical Model and the stages of patient adherence

The Transtheoretical Model: A tool for positive change Vertigo and non-adherence to available therapies is a significant public health issue that affects both individuals and society. In previous articles, we have examined several behavioral theories to understand the mechanisms of patient treatment adherence behavior. The different theories encompass six theoretical perspectives: biomedical, behavioral, communication, cognitive,…

acare phlippines vertigo the behavior change wheel

The Behavior Change Wheel: A framework for improving vertigo treatment adherence

Key Messages Interventions designed to improve vertigo treatment adherence are often designed without any understanding of what drives patient behavior; as a result, they are only moderately effective The Behavior Change Wheel (BCW) framework is a useful model for understanding non-adherence to vertigo treatments The BCW highlights the importance of addressing patients’ specific concerns regarding…

acare philippines vertigo how do patient support program

How do Patient Support Programs impact adherence?

Some Patient Support Programs (PSPs) considerably increase adherence rates while others only have limited impact. Behavioral science theories and advances in digital technologies can enhance PSP program engagement and improve their effectiveness. Non-adherence is a major issue that can be addressed by PSPs Non-adherence is a major barrier limiting the benefits of clinically effective treatments.…

acare philippines vertigo activating patients to improve adherence

Activating patients to improve adherence

The Patient Activation Measure (PAM) and Medication Adherence Questionnaire (MAQ) are tools providers can use to measure patients’ health behavior The PAM can be used to evaluate a patient’s ability to manage their health and conditions; the Medication Adherence Questionnaire can be used to evaluate the patient’s level of adherence to their prescribed therapies These…


Is nudging enough to change behavioral changes on short notice?

Nudging is a powerful tool in helping people make the right decisions without forcing them to do so. It has been widely used by public authorities to help the general public adopt behaviors beneficial to them, that otherwise they would tend not to adopt. In his groundbreaking book “Nudge”, Nobel prize winner Richard Thaler gives…

General Topics

Pandemic outbreak management: A behavioral sciences perspective

Pandemics are not new to the humankind, and the coronavirus is just the latest (and most probably not the last) of them. A considerable number of the pandemics were dealt with medically, through vaccination1,2 , . This was the case for polio, smallpox, rubella, to name but few. These diseases had been killing great numbers of…

General Topics
acare philippines vertigo two systems of thought

Two systems of thought: Why “rational” people make “irrational” choices

Key messages: Recent breakthroughs in behavioral science demonstrate that people make decisions, including treatment adherence decisions, according to two systems of thinking: System 1, which is rapid but intuitive and biased, and System 2, which is more rational and reflective but complex. Humans tend to favor System 1. Both System 1 and System 2 lead…
