Faculty members

Dr. Evan Muse

Dr. Evan Muse United States Dr. Evan Muse is a preventive cardiologist dedicated to reducing the health burdens associated with heart disease. His mission is to identify risk factors in patients to optimize lifestyle and treatment strategies before the symptoms of heart disease manifest. He is an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine and Associate Program…

Prof. Nathorn Chaiyakunapruk

Prof. Nathorn Chaiyakunapruk United States Dr. Nathorn is a Professor in the College of Pharmacy at The University of Utah. His expertise is in Health Technology Assessment and Health Policy. He has applied health economics, real world data analysis, and evidence synthesis to support national and global policy, especially his contributions to the World Health…

Prof. Shoaib Afzal

Prof. Shoaib Afzal Denmark Prof. Shoaib Afzal is an active researcher and medical doctor with a profound dedication to advancing knowledge in the fields of clinical epidemiology and lipidology in cardiovascular disease. Prof. Afzal obtained his medical degree from the University of Copenhagen in January 2005, followed by a Ph.D. in 2011 and a Doctor…

Prof. John Weinman

Prof. John Weinman United Kingdom Professor of Psychology as applied to Medicines in the School of Cancer & Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Emeritus Professor at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience in King’s College London, UK.  Co-Director of KCL/KHP Centre for Adherence Research & Education. Professor Weinman is recognized as one of the founders of…

Dr. Sheri Pruitt

Dr. Sheri Pruitt United States Former Director, Behavioral Science Integration, Kaiser Permanente. Principal and Founder, Evidence Based Answers, LLC (psychological and behavioral science consulting). Dr. Sheri Pruitt is a licensed clinical psychologist with 30 years of experience in academia, private and public health care systems, and independent consulting. For 16 years, she was Director of…

Assoc. Prof. Tan Ngiap Chuan

Assoc. Prof Tan Ngiap Chuan Singapore Clin A/P (Dr) Tan is Director, Department of Research, SingHealth Polyclinics (SHP), Singapore and Vice-Chair (Research), SingHealth Duke-NUS Family Medicine Academic Clinical Program. Clin A/P (Dr) Tan has been a Family Physician cum senior consultant for the past 15 years. He is a Fellow with the College of Family…

Ms. Heidi Floyd

Ms. Heidi Floyd, Patient advocate United States Ms. Heidi Floyd is a sought-after influencer with over 10 years of experience in healthcare and breast cancer non-profit management. Her diverse skill set includes social media marketing, corporate philanthropy, relationship management, partnership cultivation and program development. Ms. Heidi is a powerful communicator, public speaker and published author.…

Dr. Miguel Angel Diaz-Aguilera

Dr. Miguel Angel Diaz-Aguilera Mexico Dr. Miguel Angel Diaz-Aguilera did his Doctor of Medicine, specialized in integrated medicine with studies in economic evaluation of sanitary technologies. He is mainly interested in prevention and treatment of chronic cardiometabolic diseases and clinical research. He is Speaker at national and international forums, congresses, and seminars addressing topics related…