Behavioral frameworks for understanding patient adherence

Insight on behavioral frameworks that can be used to explain adherence.

Led by Professor John Weinman, this second masterclass aims to provide insight into the different behavioral frameworks that can be used to explain adherence. These frameworks include :

  • The patient behavioral decision-making framework, also known as COM-B (capability, opportunity and motivation)
  • The Health Belief Model
  • The Theory of Planned Behavior
  • The Transtheoretical module

More details about the time and date of this live masterclass to come soon

About Prof. John Weinman

John Weinman is Professor of Psychology as applied to Medicines in the School of Cancer & Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Emeritus Professor at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience in King’s College London. He is also Co-Director of the recently established KCL/KHP Centre for Adherence Research & Education. The main focus of his research has been on the ways in which patients’ beliefs about their illness and treatment affect self-regulation and self-management across a wide range of physical health problems.

An increasing part of this work is concerned with understanding the reasons underlying non-adherence to treatment, and in developing effective interventions for improving use of medicines and other recommended treatments.

This work has also resulted in the development of widely used measures and cognitively-based interventions, which have been shown to be effective in improving adherence to treatment, recovery and quality of life. He has taught undergraduate and postgraduate medical, pharmacy and psychology students, and is the author of many books and papers in peer review journals.

He has been instrumental in developing Health Psychology as a discipline and a profession within the UK and Europe, and was the founding editor of Psychology & Health: an international journal. He currently holds visiting professorships in UCL, Denmark and Ireland, and was awarded a lifetime achievement award and an Honorary Fellowship by the British Psychological Society. He is a Fellow of the European Health Psychology Society, the American Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, and the Academy of Social Sciences.